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Vision & Mission

At ADB we commit to improve peoples’ lives. We apply knowledge to address global challenges and when we succeed, society is better off.

Our company was founded in 2011 as a cooperation between several multinational companies.  Since then, we have continuously developed solutions that improve and increase global gas production in a sustainable way.  Through this expertise, we have also managed to create additional environmental solutions that reduce harmful emissions.

Global challenges are real and will not vanish on their own. Climate and it´s way of behaviour is affecting our way of life, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. The world’s population continues to increase. We have more mouths to feed, there for we need to continue developing ourselves in order to guarantee a sustainable gas production.

At ADB, we believe in meeting these challenges head on. There is no trade-off between building a profitable business and solving global challenges. But both companies and governments must do their part. Together we make a difference, and our mission, vision and values embody ADB´s spirit and DNA:

The DNA of ADB Project Solution:

- Reliability
- Respect
- Efficiency
- Commitment

Our Vision is to contribute to protect the environment and help to make the world a cleaner and safer place.




“ADB Global is full-chain supplier for oil & gas companies and for logistics companies”

ADB Global Sales

“ADB is offering excellent LNG solutions for logistic partners”

“LNG is more than one new fuel, it is pure competitive power ...”

“Solution for diesel to gas-engines OEM producers”