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Commodity trading

Project development & Finance

Project development

ADB Global has many experience in the business and is the first to say that planning and organisation is the most important for success of the project. Therefore we happy to speak with our clients long before execution of the project, we are able to create strict planning and organisation for a smooth project:

1. Localisation of the opportunity
2. Description of the project
3. Description and confirmation of project specifications
4. Development of the project plan under EPC contract (including finance)
5. Engineering
6. Procurement
7. Construction


Finance for LNG - projects

One of the biggest advantage to work with ADB Global is because we can arrange the whole financing for the project on contract base.



“ADB Global is full-chain supplier for oil & gas companies and for logistics companies”

ADB Global Sales

“ADB is offering excellent LNG solutions for logistic partners”

“LNG is more than one new fuel, it is pure competitive power ...”

“Solution for diesel to gas-engines OEM producers”